Islay Book Festival

Fèis Leabhraichean Ìle

Set against the stunning backdrop of Scotland’s whisky isle, we’re a community led festival with an array of events happening across the island. Originally growing out of a small book club in Port Ellen, our volunteer-run festival is now part of Islay’s busy annual events calendar and Argyll’s thriving cultural scene.

Stèidhichte mu choinneamh cùl-raon àlainn eilean an uisge-bheatha ann an Alba, is e fèis air a stiùireadh leis a’ choimhearsnachd a th’ annainn le raon de thachartasan a’ gabhail àite air feadh an eilein. Ag èirigh bho thùs a-mach à club leabhraichean beag ann am Port Ilein, tha an fhèis a tha air a ruith gu saor-thoileach a-nis mar phàirt de mhìosachan thachartasan bliadhnail Ìle agus saoghal cultarach soirbheachail Earra Ghàidheal.

Buy your IBF2024 tickets now to ensure your spot at all this year’s events

Multi-Session and Day Passes are now sold out, but you can still buy tickets to individual events.

“It’s a great festival: it really punches above its weight.”

Ian Rankin, 2019

“​A brilliant festival – bold, beautiful and welcoming​.​​”​

Jackie Kay, 2019

“Islay Book Festival is already a little bit of a legend.”

Ian Stephen, 2018

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With thanks to our sponsors